Melodies of the Sea and Sun


Melodije morja in sonca
Frequencyannual (2020 cancelled due to the pandemic)
Festival dates7.7.2024

The festival Melodies of the Sea and Sun (Melodije morja in sonca) was launched in 1978 in the coastal town of Piran. Set up as a competition of newly-composed pop music, it was similar to the Slovenska popevka Festival and when the latter was put to a stop, it overtook its role in regularly providing popular hit songs and putting quite a few of them into the evergreens repository. The songs were – and still are – lyrically and musically focused on the themes of summer, the sea and other balmy topics.

The festival has been almost continuously running since the start and has been for most of the years broadcast live on Televizija Slovenija. While the first edition was held in Piran, later it was more or less staged at the Portorož Auditorium, which is currently co-organising the festival together with Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia).


See also

External links

Melodije morja in sonca +
7.7.2012, 6.7.2013, 6.7.2014, 4.7.2015, 9.7.2016, 8.7.2017, 14.7.2018, 6.7.2019, 10.7.2021, 9.7.2022, 8.7.2023, 7.7.2024 +
20,240,707 +
20,240,707 +
201227 +, 201327 +, 201427 +, 201527 +, 201627 +, 201727 +, 201828 +, 201927 +, 202127 +, 202227 +, 202327 +  and 202427 +
annual (2020 cancelled due to the pandemic) +
Melodije morja in sonca +
SI-6320 Portorož/Portorose +
Senčna pot 10 +
The festival Melodies of the Sea and Sun (Melodije morja in sonca) was launched in 1978 in the coastal town of Piran. +
The festival Melodies of the Sea and Sun (Melodije morja in sonca) was launched in 1978 in the coastal town of Piran. +
Portorož/Portorose +
SI-6320 +